There are many ways one can spend a day that can leave them exhausted yet still wired when it comes time to unwind.
As freelance writers, most of us have the luxury of picking and choosing when we want to work, but that can sometimes be a double-edged sword.
When you don’t have a typical 9-5 job, you might find yourself working harder and longer hours to meet deadlines, free up time for the next day, or working harder just to simply bring in more money. But that strain of racking your brain while you sit staring at a computer for many hours can leave you bugged out and unable to take a natural chill pill when you should.
So what should you do?
How do you get into relax mode?
Here are a couple of great ways to get your mind and body ready for some downtime.
Leave the Drama Behind
Whatever you were up to that day you must find a way to let it go. When I notice that I’m starting to make silly mistakes or I just don’t have the energy to successfully accomplish much more, I call it a day then I do one important thing that helps me leave everything behind.
What I like to do is quit a little early and use the last few minutes of my day to write a list of everything I hope to accomplish the next day. This way I know what has been accomplished today and what still has to be accomplished tomorrow. But the fact that it is all written down leaves me no reason to worry about it for the rest of the evening/night.
Working out is a great way to put a cushion between your stressful day and your time to unwind. Working out releases happy endorphins in the brain and can also burn off any extra stress you built up while working.
Take a Warm Bath or a Warm Shower
Relaxing under or in some warm water can really help calm down brain activity. Closing your eyes for a couple of minutes and breathing in the steam from the warm water can help open up your lungs and free up the brain enough for a good night sleep.
Enjoy Some Comfort Food
Cook up something easy to make, but something that you love. Comfort food is always a good way to set your worries aside and just relax.
Have a Drink
Almost all doctors will tell you that a glass of wine or a few beers is not bad for you at all. In fact, certain alcoholic beverages, in moderation, is good for the heart.
If possible, spend some intimate time with your partner. Sex and affection with another human being can help release happy endorphins in the brain and help burn off some extra energy. Concentrating your mind and energy on the relaxation from the release of sex will help relieve the stress from the current day and the stress you might be having about the next day.
Go to Bed Early
If you had a rough day, take a break and go to bed early. The sooner you go to bed the sooner you can forget about your rough day. Getting a good night sleep will leave you well rested giving you a clear head to start all over again.
Simple Conclusion
Not only does your body need rest, but your mind needs it just as much. Overloading yourself with stress and worries when you should be relaxing only sets yourself up for another stressful day that might become very unproductive.