Feeling tired during the day can be aggravating, your good moods and spirits will drop, your productivity will drop and simple mistakes can be made that could have otherwise been prevented.
Caffeine is the number one stimulant in the world that people turn to for staying alert and awake, but what if the effects no longer are keeping your mind out of the gutter or you simply just don’t want to depend on the stimulant to stay alert?
Here are some suggestions, routines and habit changes that might help you face a happier more alert day without the need for 20 cups of coffee.
Get A Good Night Sleep
If you constantly find yourself tired during the day, then you should look at your sleep habits. If you’re not averaging seven to eight hours of good sleep a night, you might have to make some adjustments. Cutting out coffee or other caffeine beverages a few hours before bedtime can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. Cutting out foods that can cause heartburn or indigestion before you lie down for the night can also help you get a more comfortable uninterrupted sleep. Another tip for sleeping well is leaving your problems behind. It may be hard to forget about what happened throughout the day or what you have to do the next day, but bringing your problems with you to the bedroom will only impede your ability to sleep.
Take A Power-Nap
Studies show that people who take power-naps throughout the day perform better. A nap on break or during lunchtime can help rejuvenate your energy and focus. A power nap should only consist of about 10 to 30 minutes, anything longer will put you in a deep sleep leaving you feeling groggy or tired when you wake up. To make sure you only get the amount of sleep you want, use an alarm or have a friend or co-worker wake you up in time.
Exercising is very important to everyone’s lifestyle, even more so if you have a job that doesn’t promote a lot of physical activity. A regular exercise regimen at the gym or your home can help make you feel more energetic from day-to-day. You can also try to get some exercising in during work hours to get your blood pumping which can add to your natural energy. Try to find some extra time to walk around the office or a secluded space where you can do some in-place running, simple stretches, squats, etc. Sitting down and staring at a computer all day can really drag your mental energy down, but a quick five-minute workout can help freshen you back up.
Human Contact
While you are loosening up by stretching or walking, don’t be afraid to engage in conversation with other people. This helps take your mind off of whatever you are working on and forces you to utilize your mind for something else other than what’s dragging it down in the first place. Just a short three minutes of human contact can freshen up your head and help fight fatigue.
Eat Light
Huge meals can make you very sleepy. It takes a lot for the body to metabolize a big meal. Going light, especially at lunch, can avoid the after-meal tiredness.
Snack On Something Healthy
Low blood sugar can cause tiredness, so snacking on something with a little bit of sugar that is low in carbohydrates will help level you out. Snacking will also activate your taste buds which can help you stay awake and alert.
Get Some Fresh Air
Just walking away from the space where you are feeling tired can help brighten things up, but go the extra mile and take a walk outside. Fresh air could give you just the fuel you need to give your body and mind a little jolt.
Change What You’re Doing
Being tired and bored is like a double-edged sword. If you have been doing something for so long and you just simply have lost your interest, you will most likely start making mistakes and see a drop in productivity. If at all possible, find something else to do for a while. Not all jobs offer this kind of flexibility, but if yours does, you should take advantage. The change of pace will help untangle your brain and bring your spirits back up.
Tiredness and monotony